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Weston Village (Bath) Gardening Club

Weston Village Garden Club

Virtual Online Potato Day

1 November 2020- 31 March 2021

Pennard Plants has offered a Virtual Online Potato Period, which will be administered through the Pennard Plants online web site and will offer a 15 percent blanket online discount off the price of most items that were available during the past years Potato Days, obviously depending on availability.

Discounted Products will include, but not limited to, UK sourced potato tubers, onion and shallot sets, ‘planting garlic’ bulbs, rhubarb, herbs, fruit, and ,of course, the vast range of vegetable and flower seeds.

No further discounts will apply during this period.

Discounts will be valid from the first of November 2020 until the thirty-first of March 2021, and done online with a discount code that is entered in the ‘Shopping Cart’ page when ordering & the website will take care of discounting, please type in the code in lowercase and no spaces. (Postage & Packing and Gift Vouchers, plus a few odd things are not discounted).

(In case you forget something)You can use the code as many times as needed during this period.

Please be patient with us on packing & shipping times, you are not the only one ordering, and sadly, we are not Amazon!

1 November 2020 - 31 March 2021

Save 15 percent

Use the code at checkout: weston29p
